It’s a fun day focused on you + your person, celebrating with the ones you love, and a beautiful location.
This is Going to be Epic
Leave that wedding “rulebook” behind
You don’t *have* to do anything here. Traditions are only fun if they matter to you. I promise the best way to guarantee an epic wedding day is by filling it with the things that matter the most to you & your person.
So What Could Our Wedding Day Look Like?
Great Question!
The answer of “anything” is kind of overwhelming, but it’s incredibly exhilarating too! The first thing we’ll chat about is your favorite things, your priorities, and what you have envisioned so far. With that information I’ll be able to help you pick locations + activities to shape your day, and accommodate your guest list!
Want some ideas?
Summer camp wedding weekend
One day of adventuring just the two of you, one day renting a dope venue for a ceremony + party
Getting married in a national park
Rent a mountain hut in Italy for everyone
Have a skiing wedding where you ski into your ceremony
Rent a whole campground to celebrate with everyone
Pick a venue where you can bring your dogs and go canoeing for fun while your guests enjoy cocktail hour
Adventure to a destination with your favorite people
you’ll fill out a questionnaire that collects everything I need to know in order to help make your day perfect, and capture every detail.
now we put everything together. This often coincides with step 3! We’ll nail down what is happening when & who needs to be where.
Book Your Date With Me
first things first, let’s get you official. We’ll chat, sign a contract, and you’ll pay a retainer. Then you’re officially a Maye.Be Take A Photo couple!
Vendors & Activities
I know some dope people. Florists, hair & makeup artists, restaurants or private chefs, lodging, adventurous tours, etc. You’ll tell me what you need and I’ll give you recommendations for the best of the best!
How Do We Plan This?
Book Your Date With Me
first things first, let’s get you official. We’ll chat, sign a contract, and you’ll pay a retainer. Then you’re officially a Maye.Be Take A Photo couple!
Let’s Get Started
you’ll fill out a questionnaire that collects everything I need to know in order to help make your day perfect, and capture every detail.
Vendors & Activities
I know some cool people. Florists, hair & makeup artists, restaurants or private chefs, lodging, adventurous tours, etc. You’ll tell me what you need and I’ll give you recommendations for the best of the best!
now we put everything together. This often coincides with step 3! We’ll nail down what is happening when & who needs to be where.
Ok Now Let’s Chat Photos
Looking for the perfect balance of candid, documentary, & posed/prompted so you get those pinterest-perfect photos you’ve been saving forever? You’ve come to the right place! I’m never going to interrupt a moment for a photo op. But if you are staring at me I’ll toss some fun prompts your way. None of that boring move your hand one inch to the right and stand still for an extended period of time.
Your wedding day won’t feel like a photoshoot, but you’ll get freaking awesome pictures to remember every moment of the day.
Bold & Colorful Perfection
I’m sure you’ve noticed by now, but if I had to pick two words to describe my editing I’d definitely pick bold and colorful! You won’t find any muted tones here. I make sure the natural colors of your day sing in your photos, just as much as you do!
I use professional editing software to edit each image, and make sure each photo is perfect. I’ll clean up the background from distractions, and fix any other little details that are distracting to the eye while making sure to keep the moment real. The perfect balance of telling the story of your day as it happened and making sure nothing in the photo makes you want to say “it would be better if”.
Frequently Asked Questions
The sooner the better (especially if you have a specific date or place in mind)! Let’s get you on my schedule. I open my books ~12-18 months out, give or take. If you reach out now but your date is further out than I am currently booking you’ll get put on an email list for me to reach out to once my calendar is open!
No! I totally get that hiking isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. If you don’t want to hike I’m not going to suggest any locations that would require it. Nature can be super accessible! Instead I’ll recommend spots we could drive up to or have other modes of transport available (helicopters, boats, etc.).
You’ll get your gallery within 8 weeks! I always aim for quicker turnaround (my goal is typically 4 weeks). Buttttt- you’ll get a sneak peek within 48 hours, so you don’t have to wait!
Heck yeah! I’m often traveling more than I’m home. I love to go new places, or return to cool spots. I am a very experienced traveler. Let’s go somewhere cool!
Yes! I actually require payment plans for all of my wedding packages. This is because we are actively planning + I’m actively working for you to make this thing perfect! So payments are spread out to cover the planning happening, and make it so there aren’t humongous payments to deal with right before your wedding (stresssssy).
I currently shoot on a Canon R6 Mark II and a Canon R6! They are both professional mirrorless cameras with dual SD slots. I also have a variety of badass lenses that go with them, and all the other random gear I need to capture your wedding (like SD cards, tripods, flashes, the list goes on.) I’m overly equipped, I promise!
This is one of the *most* important things to ask a photographer, so good on you for wondering! I have at least two camera bodies with me so if one breaks, I’ve got a backup. Both of those cameras have two SD card slots and I am always recording every image I take to both cards (so there are two copies)! After shooting I back up the images on SSD drives, and I don’t wipe the SD cards until after you have your full gallery back. I protect your images just as I protect my own, as safe as they can possibly be!
Inquire here! Just fill out the form and I’ll get back to you shortly. I’m stoked!!
Great question! Two of my smaller packages have a guest limit due to time constraints, but my larger packages don’t! Any of my larger packages work great for weddings with a max of 50 guests. Once we get over 50 I’ll switch a few things up in the package to fit your wedding day’s needs better! But if we vibe I’m happy to be your photographer.
There are so many incredible ways to utilize this package! You can have one day of adventuring just the two of you, and one day full of celebrations with family and friends. You can venture to multiple locations to really soak in the wedding bliss. You can have an elopement in one place and a reception celebration a month later elsewhere. Or you can use coverage for an all weekend event, covering welcome dinner and goodbye brunch!
Getting ready with your wedding party and close family
Allll the details- attire, rings, florals, etc
Share a first look
Adventure for some just you two time pre-ceremony
Wedding party portraits
Family portraits during cocktail hour
Dinner + Dancing
Sunset couples portraits
Astrophotos to end the best day ever!
Meet at your getting ready location for some quick details & touch ups
The ultimate wedding package: photography coverage of two days (18 hours), full planning, travel within the U.S., photos delivered via online gallery and USB, a bonus adventure session, and a photo album. The best adventures go on for days, and so will your wedding. This package will forever immortalize all the little moments that built your best adventure yet- getting married.
The best adventures aren’t just a few hours, they go from dawn to dusk and beyond! Includes up to 12 hours of photo coverage, all the planning help, travel within Colorado/Utah/Wyoming, photos delivered via online gallery and USB, and a bonus adventure session.
Up to 8 hours of photography coverage, planning assistance, photos delivered via online gallery and USB, travel within Colorado.
I’ve teamed up with an awesome videographer to be able to provide photo+video duo packages. Inquire for pricing, availability, and more info!
If you are planning a wedding day over 50 guests, instead of full planning your package will include a second shooter. Larger wedding days have more moving parts, therefore requiring more planning past what I can currently offer and I’ll need another set of hands to photograph it thoroughly! I will still help with locations, vendors, and timeline but I would advise hiring a planner and/or day of coordinator.
Let’s Chat!
I’m stoked to hear more about your wedding and start this process with you. Just fill this out, click submit, and I’ll get back to you asap.
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